Latest News
Release 0.8.1
Teachers now have a one stop dashboard that shows all of their students in one place. Showing current assignments, most recent completed and late assignments.
Students can now mark their assignments complete from their dashboard.
Teachers can grade individual assignment steps and place a weight on the grade. (Maybe you want this step to be super important grade so set it at a weight of 10)
Students can no longer accidentally confirm their work complete
Assignments should no longer show up early
- Level 50 Heroic characters are now available on servers that have unlocked Planes of Power.
- A new heritage crate, the Guktan Heritage Crate, is available in the marketplace.
- The achievement for 25th Anniversary Raid Challenges now has a reward allowing for the choice of one of the augments found in the raid chest. See below for details.
- The game client can once again launch in full screen mode and switching between desktop windows should be smoother!
- Vestments of the Forsaken may not be claimed until Call of the Forsaken unlocks.
- The Alternate Advancement abilities Taelosian Guard and Ancestral Memories III found on the Lost Legacies evolving necklaces should now function correctly.
- If you claim a bag of items and have no room, the items inside the bag will now correctly be added to your overflow items.
- Bash attacks once again proc effects from the equipped shield or shield augments for all classes.
- Laurion's Song weapons that had Stunning Snap now have Stunning Snap II.
- Updated the zone descriptions of the Night of Shadow options of the Collection Item dispenser.
- Red Flaming Fist Ornament should now work correctly for all one hand and hand to hand weapons
Quests & Events
- The achievement for 25th Anniversary Raid Challenges now has a reward allowing for the choice of one of the augments found in the raid chest. These augments will continue to drop from the raid chest.
- Made a speculative fix for Sleeper's Tomb fabled NPC spawns.
- Added a chance for Lord Bergurgle's Crown to drop from other aqua goblins in Lake Rathe.
- Fixed the issue with Va Xi Aten Ha Ra resetting herself. This was caused by her flinging herself too high and leaving her tether area. Increased the height of her tether and added a message that tells you when she resets via leaving her area.
- Everfrost Peaks, Year of Darkpaw - Broken Key of Frost - The key can no longer be repaired before the correct step.
- - Increased the total melee damage cap and minimum melee damage threshold for all ranks of the following spells:
- Enchanter/Magician/Necromancer/Wizard - Shield of Order, Shield of Destiny, Shield of Inevitability, and Shield of Inescapability
- Enchanter - Tenebrous Auspice, Crepuscular Auspice, Eclipsed Auspice, and Gloaming Auspice
- Warrior - Warrior's Bastion, Warrior's Rampart, Warrior's Aegis, and Warrior's Resolve
- Bard - Lowered the proc chance for the Song of Suffering line by a little and increased the proc damage by a lot.
- Bard - Increased the spell damage added by the Performer's Explosive Aria line of songs.
- Bard - Lowered the melee proc chance for the Arcane Anthem line of songs by a little and increased damage for melee and spell procs by a lot.
- Bard - Significantly increased the damage added by the Aria and Fatesong lines of songs.
- Bard - Adjusted all ranks of the chants of Disease, Frost, Poison and Flame. Songs no longer vary in power with the level of the singer. Songs from level 76 to level 110 are much more powerful. Songs from level 111 to 125 are slightly less powerful. All songs from 81 and up now have the same maximum instrument modifier.
- Fixed some typos in the descriptions of the recently changed area of effect spells..
- Increased the total melee damage cap and minimum melee damage threshold for all ranks of the following AAs:
- Paladin - Champion's Oath
- Shadow Knight - Reaver's Bargain
- Bard - Updated the Focus AA, Improved Chants, to provide a smoother growth rate for the damage bonus it provides. New ranks have been added, but the current max bonus of 550% has not increased. Instead, we've halved the bonus AND the cost assigned to ranks 46-55, spreading the remainder across 10 new ranks that you will be able to purchase immediately with the refund provided by ranks 46-55. Additionally, ranks 1-23 are now available in earlier expansions that correspond to their minimum level requirements, starting with Underfoot.
- Necromancer - Updated the Class AA, Life Burn, ranks 19-22, to support stacking on the same target when cast by multiple Necromancers. Also, reduced the base damage/healing per tick at ranks 21 and 22 to 200k/10k and 275k/12.5k. The level scalar on the damage component remains unchanged.
- Paladin - Fixed an issue with the new activated Class AA, Champion's Oath, that let its triggered spells, Oathbound Tithe and Oathbreaker's Penance, be added to the Blocked Buffs list.
- Paladin/Shadow Knight - Updated the Class AA, Weapon Mastery of the Knight, ranks 23-47, to have a slightly reduced minimum 2H weapon damage bonus per rank.
- Shadow Knight - Updated the Class AA, Mortal Coil, ranks 18-26, to provide a smaller armor class bonus and a flat 2-minute duration. The cost of these ranks has also decreased, which will result in an automatic points refund for all players who purchased them.
- Shadow Knight - Updated the Class AA, Soul Abrasion, ranks 19-28, to provide a smaller base lifetap damage bonus to the Shroud, Horror, and Touch of the Cursed spells/abilities while providing a larger bonus to the Spite spell line.
- NPCs are less likely to use the terrain to hide from combat. Widened the melee combat arc slightly to allow for your wilder swings.
- Removed three enemies that could approach the Plane of Knowledge book in Shadeweaver's Tangle.
- Corrected an issue that prevented zoning into a zone with too many people in it.
- Added more details to the message received when you are unable to loot an item.
- Added the option to add a player to your friend or ignore list by clicking their name in a chat window.
- Corrected an issue with some items not being placed into the correct slot when loading a saved Persona equipment set.
- The output from /netstats now all goes to the same chat filter.
- Corrected an issue that caused certain illusions to place you under the world when zoning.
- Corrected an issue that caused a global Marketplace discount to override an item's higher discount.
- Fixed a DirectX 11 crash on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.0 machines.
- The following server transfer settings have been updated:
- Rizlona can now transfer to Mangler and Aradune.
- Vaniki can now transfer to Mangler.
- Yelinak can now transfer to Mangler, Rizlona, Aradune, Mischief, and Thornblade.
- Oakwynd can now transfer to Mangler, Rizlona, Aradune, Mischief, Thornblade, and Yelinak.
- Agnarr can now transfer to Mischief and Thornblade.
- Increased the NPC buff limit to 320 buffs and debuffs.
- Fixed kaleidoscopic rendering artifacts.
- Made a speculative fix for a UI crash related to the new Name Reservation window.
- Overseer experience now displays correctly after changing personas.
- Clicking the Disable Reminder button in the Name Reservation Window no longer causes that button to disappear.
- The game client can once again launch in full screen mode and switching between desktop windows should be smoother.
- EQUI_CharacterCreate.xml
- EQUI_Inventory.xml
Previously Updated
- Corrected an issue where certain race/class combinations could be created before the appropriate expansion had launched.
- Barren Coast, Tempest Festival – Lessons of Madness – The area of the 3rd & 4th steps of cleansing the pearl has been increased.
- Barren Coast, Tempest Festival – Lessons of Madness – The final fight has been changed to killing one scrykin and how the pearl is changed from corrupted to cleansed. It should no longer remove everyone in the group's pearl.
- Corrected an issue where Claws of Veeshan raids were not awarding alternate currency
The EverQuest Team
Grats OORM on beating Kanghammer!

Grats OORM on beating Bidils!

LS T1 is down the first night we attempted it! Well done!!
OORM has guild tradeskillers! The best gear of the expansion is obtained via a tradeskiller, guildmates forward the TS only items so that we can craft it for you!
Lower expansions-current gear:
Current & most recent expansions belts (and other gear too):
Current & most recent other gear & food:
Anarus, Emberleeray, Xeri
Anarus, Xeri
Please use the discord TS request page, that way we don't lose track of the request while out hunting and will get you the gear fastest by whomever is around the guild hall first.
Most gear costs 15k-20k to make. There's vendor bought components that costs just over 5k. This doesn't count the cost of failures. We do not require payment for our raiding mains as Hrothgarr covers for those that are low on funds. We do require payment at cost value for every alt.
~~~ Grats to OORM on completing all raid achievements ~~~

4 events down on a Tuesday night! Well done!!

Great raid night, another 4 down!
No Raids on Tuesday, July 4th!
Happy 4th!
Well done on taking down Under Siege!
The search and advanced search have been updated to the new system, just in time for Fableds!
Under 'Search' click 'Items'
then click 'advanced search'
under name type 'Fabled'
choose your Class & Race
under "Click" check the box "Must Have"
will show you a list of only the fabled items with click effects you
can use!
From the search menu it will show the mob & zone. If it drops off
more than 1 mob, the search menu will only show the first btw, clicking
on the item will show all the mobs it can drop off.
 Happy slaying!
Frozen Toe Rum all around!!!!!
Starting in ME now due to lower numbers. PST to Hrothgarr for invites.
Happy Birthday Anarus!!!!!
Enjoy this blast from the past while I test image posting in news :)
Tonight's first will be Shiknar. Everyone meet up in the Poodle Zone....Â
Req's: 120, Discord, GINA, (Gnome Pickles for Hrothgarr optional)
Invites will be given out by Hrothgarr. See you all there.
Sonti was our final target of the night. We beat it... not smooth but we did win. Grats all.
Zlandicor was second target for the night. Success even without Asphodelle pre-burning. Smooth.. YES Danidani died. (Due to no pants) Next target TBA
We beat the Great Divide Raid tonight.. Congrats to a lot of cheezementz tonight.
Tonight, Feb. 05, 2023, we shall start the night in Great Divide at the NPC: Zrelik the Brave.
Minimum LVL: 110+
Requirements: Discord and GINA
If you need the GINA shares. Please ask in Raid.
Tells to Hrothgarr for RAID INVITES
Welcome 1 and all, to the new OORM Website! This is a rebirth of an old site I made and maintained back in 2002-2006, so, there's a lot of data pre Underfoot. Some things may be broken, just let me know or report a bug using the link at bottom.
The main focus for now is Raids, uploading gear, gear needs section and the soon to be raid tracking.
Things I know need work:
- Spells, Beastiary, Quests and Tradeskills only go upto Underfoot
- All Zones are added, but connections and maps still working on
- Items database updated to Jan 2023, its missing maybe 200 items, of the 140,000 working on that.
- [Fixed]
Who's online broken at the moment. - Some searching may or may not work
- Gear Needs priority isnt working correctly, still will show you best and worst gear
- AAs are way out of date and arent even done the way they were 15 years ago
Testing New Post, with Item info
[item 167281]
A happy family
Void Armour Tiers Explained!!*
Group Tier 1
doesn't exist!
Group Tier 2
doesn't exist!
Group Tier 3
drops off named in void Kunark era (Field of Scale, Kaesora Library, Kaesora Hatchery, Kurn's)
Group Tier 4 - requires Group Tier 3 OR raid Crystallos Armour
drops off named in void? tosk + area (Toskirakk, Korascian Warrens, Rathe Council Chambers)
Group Tier 5 - requires Group Tier 4
drops off named in Korofax, Heart of Discord, Old Bloodfields, City of Dranik
Raid Tier 1
doesn't exist!
Raid Tier 2
doesn't exist!
Raid Tier 3 - requires nothing
drops off raid version mobs in Korofax, Heart of Discord, Korascian Warrens, Rathe Council Chambers
Raid Tier 4 - requires Raid Tier 3
drops off raid version mobs in Citadel of the Worldslayer (Korofax Tower)
Raid Tier 4.5 - requires Raid Tier 4 + Group Tier 5
combine the raid tier 4 drop with raid tier 3 and group tier 5.? I do not know if you can go from Raid Tier 4 or Raid Tier 4.5 or not.? I hear that you can extras essences from armour so perhaps you can.
*I do not have the full details but this should point you in the right direction.? Each essense that drops can be lumanescent or incandescent so each subquential combine can add another branch of what kind of armour it can make.? You can change the gems back and forth between incandescent and lumanescent (for free from hailing a guy in Guild Lobby - up to 17 times or, buy them off Zeb in Void).
You still can't hit me!

You can't hit me!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Remember, if you can't call a cab just sleep at the pub.
Told ya!

Inc wipe!

Updates to the Quest System
The quest system is being updated.? It is still being adjusted tweaked and updated.? We are aware of some of the bugs but, as always, if you encounter a problem please submit a bug report!
Updates include:
a summary in the lefthand column beside the quest
showing an image of the reward items in the quest steps
linking to the quest from the item view of a reward item
linking to the quest from the bestiary view of a quest giver
adjustments to make entering quests easier
EVERY comment is posted to the moderators and we will update! So please post comments to spells, items, npcs and quests.
Happy Caturday!!!
more animals
Site Updates
Xeri isn't very good at updating the site and might mildly or majorly break some things while updating the new expansion.? This is currently mostly applying to the flag section.

The Haunting of Norrath is Here!(October 24th through November 7th)October 31st marks All Hallows' Eve, the night when spirits rise at night and the begging for treats is deemed appropriate. Whether you celebrate this spooky holiday or not, it is the perfect excuse for dressing up in strange clothing, telling scary stories, decorating your house, bobbing for apples, and eating lots and lots of yummy candy. Here are some Halloween Activities you can participate for EverQuest this season:
Fresh Hauntings! | Necromancer's Garden A crazed necromancer has recently snuck into Greater Faydark and spread some sort of seeds about the forest. The seeds have taken root and are sprouting into horrible skulls! Leavalin Mossbite was tasked to hire adventurers to help stop a threat to the folks of the Faydark. | | Scarecrow Roundup Rongol and Anderia's farm in West Karana has been struggling, leaving them little to sell and barely meeting their own needs. Believing he figured out how the Millers have been so successful with their farm all these years, Rongol created a scarecrow but his effort was unsuccessful and forced him to take more drastic measures. He sought the help of a witch. Unfortunately, the magical powers of the witch were a bit more than Rongol and Anderia were prepared to handle. The couple is now seeking the help of brave adventures. |
Ancient Hauntings! These ghost, ghouls, and scary beings return to us from the hauntings in the past. Candy and Costumes Across the starting cities, candy and costume merchants open up their spooky shop to celebrate the season of haunting. Also, seek out Wicked Winnie and a wizened hermit in the Plane of Knowledge for additional sweet fun. Trick or Treat? There have been scattered reports across Norrath of spooky happenings in the Kithicor Forest. People are trick or treating around Norrath. Vampires have been spotted roaming in spooky places. The Halflings are hungrier than usual and are craving everything pumpkin! A creepy bone collector is requesting help on collecting several rare bone artifacts. A great storyteller has arrived and is telling some rather frightening fables. Get your admission ticket today and hear them for yourself! For more information seek out Zigand Ribshard in the Plane of Knowledge. He has all the details! - The Trick or Treat Bag: Old Man Draykey will teach you how to trick or treat by showing you the proper greeting method. To practice he gives you a trick or treat bag to go out and get candy.
- Bone Collector: Barsin the bone collector boasts that he can create anything out of bones.
- Roaming Vampire: A Dressed-Up Halfling is running late for the yearly costume gathering.
- Hungry Halfling: Mippie Diggs is hungry and has been craving pumpkin flavored food and drinks.
- Story Teller: Cathil the storyteller has been telling frightening fables to scare the locals.
Haunting Tasks - Marta Stalwart in Toxxulia is baking pies to celebrate an old Erudite pie flinging tradition started by an angry wife who scolded her lazy husband by throwing pies at him.
- Grom Shives in Nektulos is retelling the tale of the legendary ride of a dark elf warrior who swindled magic from powerful creatures, and managed to evade them in Nektulos as he returned to Neriak.
- Silas Lightweaver is trying to put on a light show in Greater Faydark, but faeries from Lesser Faydark are running amuck, casting gaudy spells, and disturbing his performance. Capture them, and release them back into Lesser Faydark where they belong.
- Corporal Gravlin is standing guard in Qeynos Hills as travelers from Qeynos attempt journey to Surefall Glade for a celebration. Unfortunately, evil necromancer Pyzjn is causing trouble by raising undead to attack anyone passing through Qeynos Hills.
Hauntings in the Community! Forum Challenges - The EverQuest Pumpkin ? Carve an EverQuest themed pumpkin. (Ends October 30th)
- Spooky Stories ? Write a spooky story about a spooky adventure of one of your characters. (Ends October 30th)
- Haunting Party ? Throw an in-game player run event. And get a chance to win an in-game illusion items for you and up to 10 of your friends that helped! (Ends November 7th)
Polls Discussions
Check forums for latest info on the new expansion
Seeds of Destruction!
Added Gnollish armor and any new armor that was added in the past 3 weeks.
News Flash
Buudaka is still alive and kicking somewhere in Iraq!!!!!
Added all of the Defiant and Darkened armor to the database.
(over 2,000 new items)
7/8/08? Ping 600 AA for team Karlowin
7/27/08 Ping 700 AA for team Karlowin
I could be wrong but, I think summer has officially arrived.
-have fun 'n don't get burnt.
I didn't realize how out of date the spells and AA's were on some of the classes (IE DRU,ENC,MAG,NEC) and some others. I am working on these and hopefully over the next 2-3 weeks I will have them all updated.
When it comes to AA's I have to "assume" what the cost of some of the SoF AA's are, so if you purchase one and it doesn't coincide please let me know. Telling me you have purchased 1204 in game and site says 1296 doesn't help me really because I have no idea what you have in game, but letting me know that there is a cost difference on "Frenzied Destruction level 3 costs 5 not 3" is very helpful.
And no, the news post below is NOT an April Fool's joke.
I just wanted to clarify that.
6000 Items added to database including Fabled!
[item 76260]
[item 76273]
and Yes I know the effects dont work yet, I have to mine that data from EQ.
Somehow, this is so much scarier than the first time.
(no pun intended)

Everquest Anniversary coming up March 16th!
Fabled mobs will now include the Planes of Power expansion.
Fabled Plane of Time... here we come!
Salamander Explorations
Apparently Troll Beastlords no longer get an alligator pet but a salimandor.? This required further exploration, evidence is documented below.? By the lack of "/who all troll beastlord" producing anything a specimin had to be hatched for this experiment.

The rake of doom!!
Purrfekt was left with the nasty task of raking up after the young hatchling.

Website Updates
I know we are behind some on AA's and Spells. We are working on this when we have time. Please!! report any discrepencies on spells and AA's especially when an AA costs differently.
I had to guess on alot of the new AA's and found out many of them increase as you purchase them so many will be incorrect. Please help me correct these by sending me a Notice.
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family all of the best wishes and a very Merry Christmas. I hope your holidays are filled with love and joy. Keep in mind the best gift is the relationships we have and the love that we share.
- Purrfekt Melodies
New expansion released!
Take the guild hall port stone (the new one Fay sumthin) to get to the new zone!? Run East and South?to the giant windmill to Ellymil Cogswin to buy your new 76?spells/songs/tomes!? Loc: 900, -522

Wizard port spells are right where guild hall ports you in to, on Myraley Silverheart.
Level 77 spells are in the Loping Plains south middle of the zone -2320 -520.

Happy Hunting
?. Happy Halloween!! . Have yourself a ghoulish evening. . |
How to Keep a Raid on its Toes
1. Have the mob they just killed immediatly respawn after death.?
This is an interesting predicament for it gives the opportunity for double loots; however, it does not allow for a med break.

Take note of Roley's spirit, Adriana's spirit, Roley and Adriana
2. Have the second spawn of the named reset causing all of its trash to spawn eliminating the option for a necro to rez the raid.
This is just plain sucky, although the entire thing is highly amusing.

Where did that post about the ______ go?
Over time some posts become outdated or even obsolete.? No posts were deleted, merely unstickied.? So, if you search back far enough you can still find them.? New posts have been made with current information and some informational posts will still be coming over the next little bit.? A "best effort" method will be used to keep stickied posts pertenent and up to date.
How to add a character and quests!

Updated TSS flags, should be more accurate now.

Dragon Food

For those using the Flags tracking I have completely redone how it works and is no longer 500 pages long if you haven't done any of the flags. You can now open and close details when you want to. I also made several fixes on the TBS Flagging Tasks and added all Locs.
Arena Fun!
We had some fun in the arena and learned a couple of things:
- 2 Clerics vs 1 SK = nobody dies.
- It is still undetermined how many Clerics it takes to kill a Bard.
- We are also unsure as to how many Clerics it takes to screw in a lightbulb.
- Necros are hard to kill.
- Rangers die very very fast (if you blink you may miss it).

BiC Razors!
Okay, so I finally broke down and have started working on the Bic Razor's quest (Breakdown in Communication).? I have added these to the quest system as well as an easy drop/loot checklist organized by zone.
A major advantage of this is that the aug can fit in ANY slot type.
The final reward is an archtype version of
[item 67686]
Which I doubt I'll ever get.
By looking over the quest it seems it?would be fairly easy?to get
[item 67655]
If you work really hard on the quest you might even be able to get
[item 67671]
Again, this appears to be within the capabilites of what we can accomplish as a guild!
Also, Purr has made some changes to the quest system, you can now search by "Class" and a min-max level range.? Yay!!
The quest database now has over 350 quests in it.? I am slowly but surely getting them entered!? I am entering them in what I feel is an order of relevance.? I have been focusing on the quests in Crescent Reach as, the The Serpent Spine expansion focused on supplying worthwhie quests for low and mid levels.
For example, if you are level 20 then you should be working toward having your gear equal or better to your classes version of
[item 53062]
This is a result of the Kimen's quests.? If you are logged in then you can access the quest system, these quests are entered by Plate,?Chain, Leather, and Silk.? When you view the quest while logged in, at the bottom of the quest you will see a drop down menu of your characters and the option to add this quest to your character.? Once a quest is added to your character you can easily access it by clicking on the 'gold emblem' in the left menu just under your character's name.
Remember, if you ever aquire an item that can't be found in our database, simply send a link of the item in a tell to Purrfekt so he can add it to the database.
May your time in Norrath be filled with happy hunting and light-hearted adventures!
Mmmm fried lava...

Happy Father's Day to all the daddies out there!!
Drink beer, go golfing, play EQ, run around in your undies, whatever makes you happy!? You deserve it.? =]

Shark Bait
Purrfekt should wear dresses more often, they look good on him.

Xeri's home decor skills

Kitty Got A New Sword
Grats Purrfekt
on Deathknell backflag
and on robbing it of loot!!
go go negative dkp!
I hope everybody had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day! ? ? ? (if you're chasing leprechauns it's time to lay off the booze!) |
1.5% xp until Tues
We would like to apologize for the inconvenience of the amount of server downtime that has occurred since the release on Tuesday.? To help you enjoy this weekend, we are turning up the heat!? Experience will be increased fifty percent on Friday evening and will remain until Tuesday morning at 10 am Pacific Time.
Ya so... Pink be gone and all that stuff...
Items will take a while to update as there have been?thousands of changes to all items. I hope to have it updated in a week or so. Just FYI.
I will try to add the new zones this week. New spells next week.
Happy Valentine's Day!
? The only day of the year where red and pink look good together. ? P.S. If you forgot you better hurry so you don't end up on the couch tonight!!
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Mapfiend is on the fritz from overuse so I did this!

And a saucy minx!

Grats Jules the Slacker on level 75!
(even 'tho somebody else had to level him 'cause we all know ranjas die too much to ding)
Website will be going down tomorrow (Saturday February 3rd 2007) for 6 hours for upgrade and maintenance. Starting around 10:30AM CST.
"What more could you ask for?!?!"
A pretty polychromatic wall and a purple Cleric!

Seeing Double...
So, Purr and I were just goofing around for some exp.? I look over at my second box, and I see somethin kinda strange...

How awesome is that?? There's two of me!? What more could you ask for?!?!
Fun and Good Times!
Waking Vengeance has been focusing on getting gear, quests, tasks, etc. done for its members.? If you got anything that needs doing speak up in /gu or post it on the forums!
Here's to a good time by all!

I hope everyone's Christmas is grand and this new years is filled with hope and expectations of things to come.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good fight.
Happy Turkey Day to all my southern neighbours (and those up NW too!!)!
Remember, turkey makes you sleepy so don't eat and drive!
Ah, don't you just love the days when the warm sun beats down on you and makes you want to curl up and sleep the afternoon away?
I'll take "No" for 800 please.
Bah! You cant' edit my news entries without saying who edited it!!
But I'm sure you can guess.
I would wager a guess that it starts with a "J" and ends with "awesome"
Grats Webby on level 75 and on your Epic 2.0!!!
Grats Lucive and Xeri on level 75!!!
Juliano needs to get to level 75 now
Juliano still pwns you all.
Not the kind that causes emotional pain but the kind that causes sweet loots to drop.
Grats Team Dragon
Halfway through August now....
Team Dragon is majorly farming Tacvi and thorougly kickin' it's butt.? They're also taking down more MPG raid trials.? After that is Anguish!! YAY!!
Hope everyone is having a fabulous summer.
Jules smells amazingly like dirty socks!
So.... a news entry....
In July Webenator and Tyketto had birthdays!! YAY!!!
Team Dragon is killing lots of stuff in Tacvi, Don Dragons, and MPG Raid trials. weeeeee...
Oh, and Purple is the Bestest colour of them all!
Tacvi Cleared!!!
Grats Team Dragon on having everything in Tacvi dead at the same time!!
Mmmm.... farmage....

Tunat Dead!!!
Grats Team Dragon on defeating the end boss in Gates of Discord!!
(sorry, no screenshots it was late and my bed was calling me)
Purple is pretty.
Purple is still ugly.
So, the person who makes this webpage is known by many as Xunil, to others as Purrfekt.? And since this webpage is so incredibly awesome, I figure that the least I could do is cause Xunil some embarrassment over it.
(Besides, if he didn't want this kind of attention then why would he have made a calendar with everybody's birthday on it?)
Attention one and all!
There is a new colour scheme available and it's
(ugly) PURPLE!!!!!!!
My time is done.? 5+ years and whatnot and it just is not fun any more.? So instead of kicking the dead horse...then dousing it in flames and lighting it on fire....then cooking marshmallows over said yet another attempt to make EQ fun again.... ? I am done.? Not just done, but done done.? I am liquidateing Sy and Worudan.? Contact me if interested.? Use my Hotmail account (
My time in EQ was spent as a Monk, Enchanter, Warrior, Shammy. Necro and most recently as a rogue.? I was able to XP and gear that rogue up to levles higher than most regualr people who have been playing for 4 or more years have done for their mains.? Sounds cool, but shows just how BORED I was? :-P
I post this as news....cause well 5+ yrs of Evercrack needs a cool ending? :-)
and now for all the mushy stuff.? In no particular order:
Web, you have been in WV like forever it seems....keep nuking stuff from orbit girl.
Jules.....JULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Get out of NJ asap my man...this place is a shit hole? :-)
Xeri,? you have my IM so I expect a continuation of our nightly cyber....?? /duck.? Seriously.....throw me a shout every now and then.
Looka,? I have played with some of the best toons out there.? You are easily top 10 bro.? Not just shammies....
Many other folks in WV i had limited interaction with but I can say that WV has only ever kept the quality peeps and that speaks volumes.
And last and most definately not least.?? Xunil/Purrfekt/Pro....
Looks like you ain't the only one who escaped!!!!?
Tallak/Syluur/Syruus......??? out
Grats Tyketto and Webenator on your epic 1.5s!!!!!
This server will be taken down tonight around 6:00pm CST and should be back up by tomorrow morning. This is a large scale server upgrade across all my servers.
Everquest's Anniversary Celebrations!
From 12noon?Friday?March 17th until 12 noon?Wednesday March 22th is double XP.
Fabled mobs are back in the world for one month starting on March 16th.
There is also another collection quest.
In light of the rather significant booboo of having to delay double-exp by a day, we're going to extend double-exp by?one day next week, so it will start tomorrow, the 17th, at noon?and end?next Wednesday the 22nd, not Tuesday.? You'll get an extra day of double-exp out of it.
The patch will take place at 5am tomorrow.? An in-game message will go out shortly.
Again,?we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you all.? Hopefully another day of double-exp will make up for it some.
We killed this guy here in Texvu

And then posed all nicely for a photo!

Welcome to Tacvi, Team Dragon!
So, like, we killed stuff in Qvic and then stuff in Ink`tua and now we run through Qvic and click on a giant statue and voila!? We are now in Txevu!? Grats Team Dragon! =]
Late Post but we have stomped on through to Qvic and don't plan to stay there long. Txevu will soon be in our grasp.
We Smacked Shyra!
[item 83501]
[item 83500]
[item 33316]
Only our third Attempt on a HARD mob.
Grats All
I Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
So we hit it off first raid in 2 weeks:
1. DoD raid was a dud |
2. Smacked? Rikki |
[item 71648]
[item 71652]
[item 71653]
Dead Dragons!
Rikkukin The Defender posed a problem, but we saw his corpse!

We then trotted over to Tirranun.

And saw his corpse on our first try (take special note of Xeri's corpse)!

Ahhhh Got to love the big heads!
Ikky 4 Done!
Third time was the charm. We flagged exactly half the raid team
so we need to do it one more time then we hitting Uqua.
We took on Ik4 last night. As most of you know
it wasn't easy. We got over half way through though only needing
3 more rooms, so Friday we going to try to complete it.
Ik 4 is next then Uqua then we all Qvic Flagged!
Time is now farming purely and reducing it to twice a month.
(never thought that would happen)
DKP is being redone, you may notice either a spike in your DKP attendance going UP or DOWN due to more raid counts for each raid. Missing one raid in the next 30 days will HURT you, attending raids will greatly help. Avg raids are now 3 per day. (start, mob, end) a new raid per mob. Read up on this on TD's site.
Overdue Post:
Grats to Xeri and Webenator
On Level 70!
Woot, Smokken is 70!
Grats, bro.
Team Dragon 4 Quarm 0
Quarm is officially farming material. We are now working on Ikkiniz in GoD progression
one day a week and Time is now being done in 2 days from start to finish.
Loot is too much to even list with 10-20 upgrades a night and even P4 loot rotting.
Epics Epics Epics
The past 2 weeks we have had epics galore. WV has worked on Topaz's, Xeri's,
Avenged's, Dagon's, Xtended's and more. All but Avenged now has their epic 1.0!!
In continuation of this WV has worked with TD and hit a good 20 epic 1.5
battles the past 2 weekends!
Quarm Toasted a 2nd Time!
Also wanted to say ALL of WV is now Time flagged that is currently raiding!
Another 1 or 2 weeks and entire Team Dragon will be flagged!
?Tier 5!!
Bertox, Cazic and Rallos Zek and Inny Toasted!
Grats on all the uber loot
We Saw Quarm, taking him on Friday!
[item 26982]
Grats Sneekii!
[item 25995]
Grats Turfnow!
[item 8977]
Grats Seeatee!
[item 26092]
Grats Orthise!
[item 26984]
Grats Looka!!!!!!!!
[item 15877]
Grats Bornto!
[item 13674]
Grats Ooka!
[item 31603]
Grats Trys!
[item 24570]
Grats Weerdio
Tier 4 Plane of Time!
We flagged 3 more peeps! Webenator, Soween and Poipounder!
We slashed through Tier 1, 2 and 3 3x faster than our first attempt
We hit Tier 4 and took out Terris and Saryrn without any deaths!
Grats on all the loot, too much to list!
Plane of Time
Grats to Fixmeup, Derredman, Buferd, Purrfekt, Murnin and (?) to TIME FLAG!
We smacked through Phase 1 and 2.
We hit Phase 3 and lost when only 4 named mobs were left to kill.
Not bad for our first Phase 3 Run!
Grats all that got to go, and for those who didn't we have 7 new time flag, that means 2 more pigs can go and 7 less pigs for next raid!
Earth B Minis for fun!
[item 16383]
Grats Sumlail!
[item 16376]
Grats Soween!
[item 16158]
Grats Quedo!
[item 16372]
Grats Weerdio!
We Farmed Fennin to flag a couple newbies
[item 27648]
Grats Orthise!
[item 26798]?
[item 24602]
Grats Xaxony!
[item 14943]
Grats Reguoc
[item 16381]
Grats Daigyon!
Xegony down again just to get a few more flagged!!
[item 26788]
Grats Quedo
[item 13672]
Grats Reguoc
Rathe Council Stomped!!! We Time Baby!
For those not time flagged we will be piggying people into Time and flagging this way. We may do some of the Gods again but the majority of work will be flagging people for Time.
Congratulations to all of those that finally got Cornaiv!! Rathe Council is next!
Took out Fennin like Yesterdays trash, pure farmage, but did get 10 more peeps flagged.
Lotsa loot as usual, pulled AM and Reparm too.
So many things dropped last night I don't even know them all! I know WV scored pretty big last night winning at least 5 drops!!
Farm Night
[item 71257]
Grats Murnin!
[item 71265]
Grats Rapha!
[item 13654]
Grats Desenta!
[item 11323]
Grats Kaashmire!
Elemental Helm?
Grats Mistressloriana!
Elemental Sleeves?x2
Grats Keyon and Porcelain!!
[item 26738]
Grats Rott!
Xegony Toast!

[item 10234]
Grats to Cinilya!!
[item 14747]
Grats to Sumlail!!
So there we were, 40 baby spiders, 9 big spiders and 1 HUGE spider. weerdio kites 40 Purr kites 9, between him and I think we died about 15 times but......
Dust Ring Down and NOW we have Xegony key. This week we taking a shot at her! Grats to everyone that was there..
Please remember to check the forums. All the info is there for Team Dragon, Team Speak. Info on leveling, Classes, new DoN missions etc.
We are now a part of Team Dragon!
Read the forums to find out what this means. Work hard on backflags as 60% of this raid team is Elemental and wants to start pushing for Time.
Some big changes have recently taken effect on the website, these changes Should be invisible to you, however, if you receive any errors, please use the Report Bug at bottom of page with a paste of the error message and what page you got it on.
We are working quite hard on some new alliances to help those that wish to raid more often, we should be posting some information on alliance possibilities soon. In the meantime keep leveling and know soon we will have a new channel to join.
Sorry all but had to work tonight /sigh.? So I will reschedule that raid soon.? Have fun and good hunting
Blah blah blah.... Waking Vengeance is the best :P

Gorenaire toast!
Congratulations to Webenator for getting her wizard epic last night !!!?? Last Mob was up in Karnor's Castle and almost everyone who was on and above level 55 dropped what they were doing and came to help out.? Was an easy kill and good teamwork.?? If you are working on your epic and need a mob killed, let us know in game.
Guild Meeting Saturday at 6PM CST THIS IS IMPORTANT? Meeting place to be announced but dont be in the middle of LDoN or group....
Congratulations on Tigg for getting his Beast Epic.? Webenator is moving closer to her epic as well and it seems like many players are getting the pieces for their epic.? If you need some help, the mobs are up and we're in game not tied up, let us know and I'm sure we'll help.? You have to know what you need, where to go, what special information or quirks the mob has, etc.? (which involves research beforehand).? If you want your epic, you need to arrange for it and tell us all what to do so we can help you.
Some new members need their Plane of Justice Flag--let us know while in game or on Teamspeak and we'll get something arranged for you late nighters.? (Need good tank, slower, mezzer and cleric, preferably all 65 and can take one or two who need the flag).
The guild is doing great as a whole, levels are going up swiftly, but raids have declined. I need some people who are interested in leading some raids to contact me and/or any officer.
Lately We have been slaughtering PoS mobs to get most of our members BoT flagged. This is our main focus on Mondays now. Trial flagging will be done on a needed basis only and is no longer the standard for Mondays.
We are concentrating strongly on BoT and Tactics, with some attempts towards Hedges and the near future some more Grummus raids.
Once we have 90% of the guild BoT flagged we will begin Towers raids. is back up now, and should never go down again.
IF in the next 7-10 Days becomes unavailable. I will make a temporary link via The site will still exist, the domain name may be messed for a week or 2.
It may not happen but I want to be ready in case it does.
Congrats to Jackkar and Nantul for getting flagged into Bastion of Thunder this weekend with the help of Webenator, Patra, Xunil, Kaaden?and several others (including Alger--guildfriend a/k/a "George").?? Got all the pieces needed, and even went to Plane of Justice to get that flag.

Nantul, hard at work trying to level!
Down with Agnarr!? Kaaden, Voltaer and? I?raided in the Bastion of Thunder and got this big boss down.? I'll get a better screen shot next time (first time?posting screen shots and just messing around)?Unfortunately we lost on the rolls for the loot, but we got the flag done.?? Full raid force necessary and he was tough with all the adds, but one step closer to being Time Flagged (albeit alot more to do).

Headed to Natimbi-the Broken Shores to hail Kiki Mischiefmaker tonight (9:00 p.m. MST).? She gives a quest for Kiki's Turtle Soup.? Gotta get her 4 Succulent Turepta Meat from A Turepta Cragwalker.? Hand them into her and she gives ya Kiki's Receipt Book (no drop).? Primary/Secondar Slight, +10 Wis, +10 Int, +5 Agi +5 Fire Resit +3 Disease Resit, +5 Cold Resist, +30 HP and +50 Mana.? Also has Mana Preservation III on it.? Quest is for Necromancers, Druids, Enchanters, Magicians, Wizards, Shamans and Clerics of all races.? I don't need this, but would like to see someone for whom this is an upgrade get this.? Anyone wanna join me?? Must have Gates of Discord expansion.
Gratz to Aspendawn for Completing the Trials of Execution last night!? Looks like we need? just a handful more (Volaris, Nantul and a couple others) to finish the Plane of Justice Flagging.
Monday nights will then consist of getting the?three pieces (Sash, Bone & Beard) and two medallions in the Plane of Storms (another flag--necessary for Planar Advancement), which will get those under level 62 into the Bastion of Thunder (good experience in there).? Make sure you do the pre-flag in the Plane of Storms if you can (hand in a giant's head--common drop) to Askr the Lost.
Good to see Smokken back on last night too!
Grats on Juliano's Epic!
He plooted his epic piece before we could take the screenshot of the final kill, typical Plooting Rangers... sigh..

EDIT (Juliano): Add picture of myself with epic since Xunil was crying about me plooting :P
Grats on FixMeup's Epic!!

Team Speak Server. This machine's battery backup is having an issue it should be fixed no later than monday at latest, until then it may drop off here and there.
Sorry for this problem everyone, it will be fixed asap.
The treasury has been updated, coding and items, take a look if you need something let me know. Once the DBS (Days Before Sold) runs out, obviously the item is sold for guild fund.
Happy Mothers day to all you moms out there.
We are now averaging 3-4 Raids per week. Please check them, sign up, and go if you want to do raids.
1 or 2 more raids and DKP will be put into effect when it comes to loot. This will become quite important when we start raiding BoT.
Lots of raids added to the calendar, SIGN UP!!!!
We will try to have an epic night each week, I am posting them now way ahead of schedule, read the instructions on an epic night so you don't ask later what it means. Flag nights EVERY Monday.
We have 90% of the mains trialed, let's finish em up, if you have an alt you want flagged that is fine as long as it is 55+ That is the rule and I wont change it for anyone! Once all 55+ are done we may slide a few 50+ in but no less.
We continue to grow and the raids have picked up, make sure you sign up for the raids. We are going to start basing some DKP on who signs up for raids. Come on let's break 60 members I cleaned out those that have left or we would be 60 members now.
Anyone else notice our 72 Character Level Average is 57, almost 60!!
DKP is now in place. Take a look if you want we have only used it twice I believe. But it can give you an idea of how it works.
I believe we are going to start using this on a regular basis. Currently Smokken and I know how to update it, as we continue we will show a few more people how to add and update raids.
Aye, very nice while I was there, Nothing but smoothness and not even one death!? Very, very nice.
We did awesome tonight all, AWESOME, 11 Drops!! 2 of them rare drops at that.
Halls of Testing has now been added to a place we will go again many times in the future.
5 Plate Drops
4 Silk drops
1 of leather and chain
Couldn't have done any better I don't think. We had 16 People (1 ld at start) and we made our Stomping grounds. Plan on much more for us in the near future all, Great job and grats to Aenem, Mitmer, Webenator, Lilgrimreaper, Tybolt on new upgrades!
I would like to say you all did GREAT in ToV last night, we got many drops and you all lissened very well. I would like to do ToV/HoT every week if possiable or more, but we will see.
Everyone make sure to try to recruit anyone 46+ we need to continue to grow as we have been to ensure we will not become stagnant. As we grow we will begin doing more as a guild. Also make sure to check the Raid Calendar.
Please keep your characters up to date.
Coming Soon! Photo & Screenshot galary!
Guild Meeting On Feb. 4th at 8:30cst. Please try to be there.
Added some raids. Sign up for them...
SIGN UP for raids if you are going to go, even if you go and didn't sign up, we need to start getting use to signing up for them!!!!!. - Xunil
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope your holidays are filled with joy. Be safe friends. And God bless
The return of Laylah - Coming to theatres near you!!! Dec 28th
OMG LIEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Xunil)
Ok - it was off .. lol -im trying to get the eq discs to reinstall but im having trouble doing so
New raids added for December... sign up!
If anyone is missing any spells that are beneficial to raids or guild groups, please let me know and I will try and help you get them. Please list the name of the spell, how much it is, where it can drop ect ect. If it drops we can get a group together and go get it for free.
Ok, I wanted to say, not bad for our first raid. I hope you all learned stuff about raiding, and also about each other. I know I certainly learned a lot about you guys. This gave me an idea of how well we work together, so I will be planning more things in the future.
Well the guild fun night was.. well fun =p and we got a few new members tonight also, they are always a plus. We are going to be having a raid at the end of the month. Its going to be at Kael and you need to be 40+ dont worry if you have never been on a raid before we will take it slow, if you have any questions about times or where Kael is see Juliano or another officer and they will be more then HAPPY to help you =p
Everyone please check the Raid Calendar often as we are adding more events when we get the chance.
I would just like to welcome all the new members to the family. And tell everyone they are doing a good job in recruiting new members, keep up the good work.
You want Lost Dungeons of Norrath maps you say?
Here they are, ya you owe me!!! :P
Server is still going to come down soon I just haven't had the time to upgrade the OS yet, so if you get a "Page cannot be displayed" or the like trust that I will have it back up ASAP.
I have moved alot of people to Guest and marked several Characters Inactive for those who are no longer in the guild, means you can still edit and track them they just don't show up in the totals.
If anyone has a problem using the site as guest let me know, I will work on it, I only did this so that the people that are still in the guild have a feel of real numbers.
If you want your access back just let me know, via
Notice or
Those who were archived or changed to guest were only done so because they said they were leaving.
Welcome back for those who have returned or plan to. :)
As you see people are still using the site and in the guild. I have recently added a few back per their request. I will try to be on again tonight and the next day for a few minutes at least, buffing newbs while I wait. Prynne and Juliano are both officers and can invite people as well if need be. Will try asap to re-officer Smokken when I see him.
While Dianya has posted this under the raids forum, I wanted to reinforce. PLEASE, review the Raid Rules as they have been recently updated. The link is to the left, under General, labeled, "Raid Rules." It's vital you review these as they will be reinforced, which could result in asking a member to leave the raid if rules are not adhered to. Organization is essential to survival. :)
Updating Chars Spells should work fine now and a few other bugs with them fixed too.
Added Lock Picks and Fishing to Tradeskills
New Vote, vote for an officer
I am aware the Login Point counter isnt working perfectly, not to worry we arent officially using the point system at this time. It still needs some bugs worked out and with Cove mia we are going to postpone starting up the point system for at least until February. So don't worry about your points at this time.
Once again I have gone through the list of members on the website and archived anyone that has not been to the website in over a month. This allows us to know that under the member numbers that is how many people we have active in the guild and on the website. It does not mean that we only have 45 members as some of the members archived I know are still in the guild.
Zone Maps for all of Antonica and Odus now have the map legends attached to them. I will be working on completing the rest of the legends by the end of the week. As soon as we have all the legends added we will be working on having a printer friendly version that you will be able to click on and it will open a new page with just the map and legend on it for those of you that like to print your maps.
Just an FYI. I have updated the site some for guild Alliance information. Basically, on right is Alliance members, this has been set to allow for unlimited guild alliances.
When someone registers it asks for their Guild limiting their selection to Our guild (default) Other Alliance Guilds or just "Alliance" in case the user is in a non allied guild but still wants to Raid with us.
I am going to work more on this as I think this is a great avenue for us to keep in touch and raid.
Click Here To read in depth of what I talk about.
Any member that has not logged into their account Since the begining of Nov has had their account deactivated. If you try to login and get that message that your account is archived please contact Xunil or Catareena in game to get it reactivated. This allows us to keep an accurate view of who is active in the guild
FYI YOU can add as many chars as you want to your profile, dont worry about messing up level average. The numbers and averages on right are only calculating and listing characters above level 20. This is to keep our averages a bit more realistic.
I believe I will raise this to 30 very soon.
New vote in
Voting section. Please mark your vote
All Spells are updated with all SOL and PoP spells. You might check your lists again. There were a few missing.
Thanks to Spring for helping.
Please go and
We will be adding more polls later on.
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all the new members that we have recently acquired. We successfully merged CoM members into our family and we have also obtained a few new members outside of that. Please take a moment to send them a tell welcoming to the family.
Guild Treasury updated with new items/spells/gems. Thanks to the many people that have been contributing to this venture. As always if you need an item from the guild treasury please send Catareena, Xunil, or Dazd a notice of what item it is you are needing and for what character. One of us will get it to you as soon as possible.
New additions on wednesday patch possible.
- Beast Lords get new spells.
Spiritual Light
Spiritual Brawn
Spiritual Radiance
Spiritual Purity
Spiritual Strength
- Clerics get new spells all 50+.
Hammer of Judgement
Yaulp V
Ethereal Light
Ethereal Elixir
- Shamans and Druids get new lvl 54 spell
Name unknown similar to complete heal.
New changes to be added as well.
- Pet only spells will now auto target pet instead of having to target pet first.
- Dots will now stack
- Vendor item space increased (YAY for us bazaar sellers!!)
New command some of you may not know about. /clearchat clears the chat window buffer.
All new Ports for Druids and Wizards are updated for spells page with location of vendors and price.
I believe it is time for a get together. Where the guild can have some fun just being us. Where some of the new people can meet the old people. It's party time!! I came up with the idea so Dazd and Douleur have to figure out the best time and place :P
If you have anyone who might be interested in joining our guild have them come too. We wont be recruiting but they can see who we are and what we are.
The website will be going down temporarily off and on over the next 3 days as I transfer internet service. I hope to have it back up as soon as possible.
Xunil Ekardnam
Check out Spell Shopping List for your chars. You can get to it from My Profile, click on the character that you want to check spells for and then click on the Shopping List at the bottom of the page.It gives you normal spells but with check marks. So you know what you have and need. I have actually started really liking how this works. You can also check out spells on other people to see what they need as well.